This paper addresses issues related to multicultural education in Latvia. As in the topics of other work packages, the starting point of Latvia as a multiethnic state also brings with it a specific diversity-related context to schooling. No doubt, the most visible aspect of this educational policy-making since independence in Latvia has been concerns with special aspects of national minority as well as linguistic minority education. Over the years, much of the debate has focused on language and on bilingualism. But increasingly questions of the role of the minority schools and issues of accommodation of minority pupils in mainstream schools have also emerged. Diversity in schools and multicultural education have been addressed by non-state actors for quite a few years, but it is now slowly emerging on the official agenda, and there are attempts to explicitly start dealing with the adoption of multicultural and intercultural educational standards, programs, methods and curricula. Nevertheless, certain legacies from the former Soviet system, as well as the strong focus on minority education as part of coming to terms with national minority rights, it is found, in some ways hampers the rapid development of more contemporary approaches to multicultural education. Lack of exposure to ethnic and cultural diversity beyond the traditional minority groups in Latvia also entails that almost no attention has been paid to preparing schools, teachers, pupils and their parents for a future increase in diversity and the need to accommodate diverse claims for recognition and adaptation of the schooling environment.
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