27.08.2024. In 2024, EERA will be celebrating 30 years of service. It will be an opportunity to look back at our achievements and to focus on the future with hope and resilience. The annual ECER has always been at the forefront of developments both in educational research and educational practice in Europe and worldwide. As an association, EERA commits itself to engaging in high quality educational research for the benefit of society. This is, in and of itself, a declaration of hope as we view our work as contributing to the betterment of the broader society. It is also, however, an acknowledgement of the reality that the drive for societal improvement is an ongoing process that draws on a past, is explored in the present and seeks to influence the future. The ECER 2024 in Cyprus is an opportunity for us all to gather, discuss and debate around these themes. There will be special celebratory sessions to commemorate and acknowledge EERA’s 30 years of service in educational research. We will explore key issues, trends, successes and challenges in educational research and seek to examine how these might assist us in addressing current and future needs, challenges and opportunities. Veranstalter: European Educational Research Association. Link: https://eera-ecer.de/conferences/ecer-2024-nicosia .
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